Literature Review Chapter

Literature Review Chapter

How to Write a Literature Review Chapter

Writing a literature review chapter is a crucial component of a dissertation or thesis. It systematically evaluates the existing research and publications relevant to your research question. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial:


  • Restate the Problem and Purpose:
    • Start with a clear statement of the research problem your study is addressing.
  • Explain the purpose of your research, focusing on what you aim to discover or elucidate.
  • Summarize these findings succinctly, highlighting their relevance to your research problem.
  • This preview acts as a roadmap for the reader, setting expectations for the structure of your review.

Literature Search Strategy

  • Databases and Search Engines:
    • List all the databases and search engines you used, explaining why each was chosen based on relevance to your field of study.
  • Search Terms:
    • Detail the initial search terms and how they evolved during your research process.
  • Explain the logic behind the combinations of terms and any adjustments made to refine the search.
  • Mention any challenges encountered and how they were addressed.

Theoretical Foundation (If Applicable)

  • Theory Naming and Origin:
    • Identify the theory or theories central to your study, providing context about their development and key contributors.
  • Theoretical Propositions and Hypotheses:
    • Detail the main propositions or hypotheses derived from the theory, explaining how they apply to your study.
  • Discuss any assumptions inherent in these theories as they relate to your research.

Conceptual Framework (If Applicable)

  • Concept Identification and Definition:
    • Define the central concept or phenomenon under investigation, ensuring clarity and precision.
  • Synthesis of Primary Writings:
    • Aggregate critical writings on the concept, synthesizing their core ideas and definitions.
  • Previous Applications and Articulation:
    • Discuss how the concept has been previously applied, drawing connections to your study’s focus and methodology.

Literature Review Related to Key Variables and Concepts

  • Exhaustive Current Literature Review:
    • Conduct a thorough review, summarizing studies on your key variables and methodological approach.
  • Research Approaches:
    • Analyze the methodologies used in previous research, noting their strengths and limitations.
  • Rationale for Variable Selection:
    • Justify the selection of your study’s variables or concepts, linking them to the literature.
  • Synthesis of Studies on Key Concepts:
    • Synthesize findings from previous research, identifying areas of agreement, controversy, and gaps in knowledge.
  • Relation to Research Questions:
    • Align your research approach with the gaps identified in the literature, explaining how your study addresses these gaps.

Summary and Conclusions

  • Significant Themes:
    • Summarize your literature review’s key themes and findings, emphasizing their relevance to your research question.
  • Knowledge Gaps:
    • Highlight the gaps in the literature that your study aims to fill, providing a clear rationale for your research.
  • Study’s Contribution:
    • Describe how your research addresses at least one gap in the literature and extends knowledge within your discipline.
  • Transitional Material
    • Provide a transition that connects the literature review chapter to the next chapter of your thesis or dissertation.


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